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Professional Ant Pest Control Services in GA

Get professional ant pest control tailored to keep your property safe. Prevail Pest Control offers ant pest control services to GA properties, eliminating ant infestations and providing you with peace of mind. Our dedicated team uses proven techniques to target the source of the infestation and prevent future issues. Experience reliable results to safeguard your home or property and maintain a pest-free environment with solutions designed specifically for your needs. Call to get a free estimate!

Worker Spraying Insecticide at Ants With Sprayer

Protecting Your Property From Ant Hazards

Ant colonies are complex social systems composed of workers, queens, eggs, larvae, and pupae, all working together to survive. Colonies often nest in soil, wood, or even within structures, damaging properties by hollowing out areas. Some species can pose risks to people and pets. Fire ants, for example, may sting, injecting venom that can cause severe pain or allergic reactions. Additionally, ants can contaminate food supplies as they forage, threatening your health and hygiene.

Common Ant Species in Brunswick, GA and Surrounding Areas

The types of ants found in your area vary depending on the climate, season, and environmental conditions. Each species displays unique behaviors, nesting habits, and risks that impact your property and well-being. Understanding the different ant species is critical for proper identification so we can effectively manage each infestation. Learn more about common ant species in our area, including:

Carpenter Ants

These large, typically black and red ants are known for burrowing into wood indoors and out. While they don’t eat wood, carpenter ants hollow out wood to create nests, causing structural damage to wooden components on any property.

Fire Ants

Recognized by their aggressive behavior and venomous sting, fire ants can cause painful irritation or severe allergic reactions. They build large earthen nests and swarm aggressively when their nest is disturbed.

Tawny Crazy Ants

These ants are known for their erratic, frenzied movements. They often invade homes in large numbers and pose a nuisance while looking for food, moisture, or warmth.

Acrobat Ants

Identified by their heart-shaped abdomen, acrobat ants nest in decaying wood around windows, doors, or other moist areas. They can damage structures and contaminate food while aggressively defending their nests.

Pharaoh Ants

Small and reddish-brown in color, pharaoh ants are notorious for infiltrating homes through tiny cracks. Improper treatment can worsen the infestation as they split into multiple colonies, making them challenging to control.

Crazy Ants

Named for their erratic movements, crazy ants don’t follow distinct trails, making infestations difficult to detect. They nest in cracks and crevices inside properties, often in voids or hidden areas to remain undetected.

Odorous House Ants

When crushed, these ants release a distinct rotten coconut odor. They form trails that can grow extensively and typically nest under boards, stones, or debris, potentially contaminating food during their foraging.

Argentine Ants

Light to dark brown in color, Argentine ants infiltrate properties in search of moist environments. They are highly adaptable, forming large colonies and foraging indoors when outdoor conditions become unfavorable.

Contact Our Trusted Professionals to Solve Your Ant Problem

Ant infestations can quickly escalate out of control, disrupting your property and impacting your peace of mind. Understanding ant behavior and nesting habits is essential to addressing any infestation effectively. At Prevail Pest Control, our comprehensive and targeted solutions eradicate infestations and prevent them from returning, and take proactive measures to ensure your property stays clean and ant-free. Don’t wait until an infestation grows to unmanageable sizes. Contact your local trusted ant pest control professionals today and take the first step towards resolving your ant problem permanently.

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